danielkrupinski / VAC-Bypass-Loader

Loader for VAC Bypass written in C.
MIT License
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VACbypassloader not starting correctly #106

Open broicantrn opened 2 years ago

broicantrn commented 2 years ago

When i open debug vac bypass loader nothing happens and when i open release vac bypass loader it comes up with an error saying application could not start correclty with an error code (0x000007b)

BabyJohnsonNJohnson commented 2 years ago

VAC New Modules use it at your own risk

source: https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/anti-cheat-bypass/478637-vac-module.html#post3300675

signed int __thiscall calling(_DWORD this, int crc_hash, char injection_mode, int unused1, int game_id, int runfuc1, int unused3, int runfunc2, int runfunc3, _DWORD runfunc4, int some_size_check) { _DWORD v11; // edi int v12; // eax int v13; // ebx int v14; // eax int v15; // eax int v16; // ecx signed int v17; // esi signed int result; // eax char v19; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-7Ch] _DWORD *v20; // [esp+5Ch] [ebp-2Ch] int v21; // [esp+60h] [ebp-28h] int v22; // [esp+68h] [ebp-20h] unsigned int v23; // [esp+6Ch] [ebp-1Ch] CPPEH_RECORD ms_exc; // [esp+70h] [ebp-18h] int runfunc4a; // [esp+B0h] [ebp+28h]

v11 = this; v20 = this; v23 = some_size_check; v22 = crc_hash; v12 = crcHASH(this + 1, (unsigned int )&v22); if ( v12 != -1 && (v13 = (_DWORD )(v11[12] + 24 v12 + 20), (v21 = v13) != 0) ) { v14 = some_size_check; if ( (unsigned int)some_size_check < 0x58 ) v14 = 88; v23 = v14; v15 = sub_100A6B90(); runfunc4 = (*(int (thiscall *)(int, unsigned int))((_DWORD )v15 + 12))(v15, v23); if ( sub_100580E0((_DWORD )v13, injection_mode) ) { if ( runfunc4 ) { sub_100B9640(runfunc4, 0, v23); sub_100B9640(&v19, 0, 80); runfunc4a = runfunc4; ms_exc.registration.TryLevel = 0; (_DWORD )(v13 + 16) = ((int (stdcall )(int, int, int, int, unsigned int ))(v13 + 12))( runfuc1, runfunc2, runfunc3, runfunc4a, &v23); ms_exc.registration.TryLevel = -1; } else { some_size_check = 0; (_DWORD )(v13 + 16) = 9; } } else { some_size_check = 0; } v16 = (_DWORD )(v13 + 16); if ( v16 == 1 && v23 > some_size_check ) { (_DWORD )(v13 + 16) = 15; v23 = 0; v16 = (_DWORD )(v13 + 16); } if ( v16 != 16 ) { sub_10077790(v13 + 32); if ( !(_DWORD )(v13 + 16) && !(unsigned int8)sub_1009E220( "c:\buildslave\steam_rel_client_win32\build\src\SteamServiceClient\servicemodulemanagerbase.cpp", 251, "pModule->m_nLastResult != k_ECallResultNone") ) { debugbreak(); } some_size_check = v23; v16 = (_DWORD )(v13 + 16); } if ( !v16 && !(unsigned int8)sub_1009E220( "c:\buildslave\steam_rel_client_win32\build\src\SteamServiceClient\servicemodulemanagerbase.cpp", 255, "pModule->m_nLastResult != k_ECallResultNone") ) { debugbreak(); } v17 = (_DWORD )(v13 + 16); if ( injection_mode & 4 ) ((void (__thiscall )(_DWORD , int))(v11 + 4))(v11, crc_hash); result = v17; } else { *some_size_check = 0; result = 2; } return result; }

broicantrn commented 2 years ago

im new to this stuff so i have no idea what you have commented

BabyJohnsonNJohnson commented 2 years ago

Just download and compiled the source code it should work like a charm

Vac modules just removed some codes

broicantrn commented 2 years ago

how do i download and compile, im not sure if you mean copy and paste this into vs then build or not

broicantrn commented 2 years ago

if you could explain in easy words and a more detailed step by step that would help