danielkrupinski / VAC-Bypass

Valve Anti-Cheat bypass written in C.
MIT License
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Convert DLL to Bytes #32

Closed techzin closed 4 years ago

techzin commented 4 years ago

How can I convert the dll into bytes to use in VAC Bypass Loader?

techzin commented 4 years ago

I have found -> https://tomeko.net/online_tools/file_to_hex.php?lang=en Convert DLL generated By Vac Bypass And Insert to binary.h in VAC Bypass Loader

altro50 commented 4 years ago

Just drag it into a hex editor like HXD, replace spaces with , 0x and prefix it with 0x.

jwao commented 4 years ago

Does this even works anymore?

techzin commented 4 years ago


Does this even works anymore?
