danielkrupinski / VAC-Bypass

Valve Anti-Cheat bypass written in C.
MIT License
542 stars 105 forks source link

VAC Banned possibly by VAC-Bypass #48

Open HarvoBOT opened 3 years ago

HarvoBOT commented 3 years ago

I had installed a new copy of windows with no hacks or sources, played csgo for a while legit and then I decided to use Osiris with Vac-Bypass injecting with Zer0memory injector.

So I downloaded all the sources and compiled with plenty of junkcode. Closed steam and launched the VAC-Bypass. As soon as steam launched I got an account alert that I was banned by VAC on csgo. I didn't even get time to open csgo or to inject anything.

I made this thread to see if this was happening to anyone else at this time. If so please tell me about your story. Thanks,

HarvoBOT commented 3 years ago

this has nothing to do with bypass or osiris. you have been banned way before. its only show because you login.

Please read the thread, Like I said, I was playing csgo for a while and then I downloaded the sources and compiled. I loaded Vac bypass about 30 seconds after I closed csgo and steam.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Steam doesnt scan your hard drive, sometimes it takes a week or two to get banned. Please close this ticket as it is invalid