daniellecrobinson / Data-Rescue-PDX

Volunteer guide, and other materials for DATA RESCUE PDX
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9B9E8D9A-57C1-41DC-BDE3-8BCD3BDC773C.json #51

Open Mahria opened 7 years ago

Mahria commented 7 years ago

Replace the information in this Issue Template with the information for the dataset you are working with, and add a JSON file at the end. Example values and an example JSON file are shown, leave blank spaces if you can not find the information for your dataset. When adding your JSON file, leave the { } structure, as this denotes a block of code.

JSON: (example) If you don't know a value, leave it blank. Check your JSON for errors with JSONlint

    "Individual source or seed URL": "https://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/apex/f?p=160:61:0::NO",
    "UUID": "9B9E8D9A-57C1-41DC-BDE3-8BCD3BDC773C",
    "id_agency": 3,
    "id_subagency": 3,
    "id_org": "2",
    "Institution facilitating the data capture creation and packaging": "A2 Data Refuge",
    "Date of capture": "2017-01-28",
    "Federal agency data acquired from": "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration",
    "Name of resource": "NOAA :: National Marine Fisheries Service :: Fisheries Economics of the U.S.",
    "File formats contained in package": "html",
    "Type(s) of content in package": "HTML files containing tables produced by a search on each year and region",
    "Free text description of capture process": "Used Selenium + chrome to select every permutation of year and region, saved HTML response in files",
    "Name of package creator": "Suby Raman",
    "title": "NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service :Recreational Fishing Expenditures",
    "maintainer": "Sabrina Lovell, Rec. Fisheries Economist",
    "maintainer_email": "sabrina.lovell@noaa.gov",
    "license": "unknown",
    "notes": "The marine recreational fishing trip expenditure estimates are provided by trip mode: 1) private boat, 2) shore, and 3) for-hire. Estimates are also provided for durable equipment expenditures related to marine recreational fishing, which include expenditures on fishing tackle and gear, fishing related equipment, boats, vehicles, and second homes.",
    "landingPage": "https://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/apex/f?p=160:7:0::NO",
    "id": "9B9E8D9A-57C1-41DC-BDE3-8BCD3BDC773C",
    "isPartOf": "NOAA Fisheries Services",
    "organization": {
        "description": "",
        "title": "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration",
        "name": "NOAA",
        "is_organization": true,
        "image_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NOAA_logo.svg",
        "type": "organization",
        "id": "NOAA"
Mahria commented 7 years ago

I left all of the scraper's metadata. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to replace it or leave it.