daniellecrobinson / mini-wow-pdx

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Friday night logistics #4

Closed daniellecrobinson closed 7 years ago

daniellecrobinson commented 7 years ago

@stephwright For Friday night, We could do pizza or something (and um, possibly wine/beer? or lacroix?). My vision for Friday is to have an off campus location where we could do basic github (depending on who registers) and some intros.

daniellecrobinson commented 7 years ago

Friday vision:

5:30-6 mingling and arrivals, pizza and drinks are available at 5:30

6:00-6:15 Intro to Mozilla Science Lab and WOW

6:15-7 Introductions and ideas - keep it low stakes - maybe everyone answers the same 5 qs about their idea? Or another ice breaker/"no imposters here" exercise to get people talking about their ideas

7-7:15 break

7:15-8:30 Let's get everyone on GitHub - basic account making and GitHub tour for people unfamiliar with it.

8:30 - we go to another bar :)

stephwright commented 7 years ago

@daniellecrobinson yes to pizza... need to find out what the logistics are w/ wine & beer... forgive my addled brain... what's lacroix?

daniellecrobinson commented 7 years ago

@stephwright http://www.lacroixwater.com/ The hipster sparking water of choice ;) I have emailed Hannah about Friday night!

stephwright commented 7 years ago

so funny... was co-working w/ a friend yesterday and she asked if I wanted a La Croix... and I knew what she meant!