danielmagnussons / orgmode

orgmode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.
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Add markdown-style text formatting #32

Open leonardt opened 10 years ago

leonardt commented 10 years ago

I believe this would all be handled inside the syntax highlighting file, but it would be nice to have inline text formatting similar to markdown (and the real orgmode)

i.e. something along the lines of *bold*, **italic**, etc...

danielmagnussons commented 10 years ago

Agree, would be nice to be able to set some formatting. Not sure how it works, will need to investigate ;p

leonardt commented 10 years ago

I can take a look into this, it might be as simple as grabbing the regex patterns from a markdown tmLanguage to match certain patterns. i.e. for bold (https://github.com/SublimeText-Markdown/MarkdownEditing/blob/master/Markdown.tmLanguage#L430)

Would you be okay with Markdown syntax or is there another one you'd prefer? I know real emacs org mode uses *bold* and /italics/.

After the patterns are set it's just a matter of giving our newly defined syntax blocks a color in the colorscheme.

I only perceive a possible issue which is collision of patterns when dealing with headers which also use *, so that's one thing to be careful about, but perhaps there will be no conflict at all.

danielmagnussons commented 10 years ago

Keep syntax orgmode-ish, if we can add markdown later, its a bonus ;p

*bold*, /italic/, +strike-through+, _underlined_
rbenson commented 10 years ago

Sort of the same, can you add md - like headings? When you do * the whole line is painted versus the words if you apply a background to the theme?