danielmagnussons / orgmode

orgmode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.
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Repositioning on agenda timeline view when any command takes place. #52

Open redtoade opened 9 years ago

redtoade commented 9 years ago

Is there anyway to disable the repositioning every time an operator action takes place? Clocking in, changing to DONE state, moving deadlines... each and every command repositions (scrolls) the current header/line to the top of the buffer. I find myself permanently attached to the Ctrl-L key every time I use the agenda and commands from that menu.

This is particularly annoying when using timeline views. Shifting the buffer up and down has the visual effect of relocating NOON to different times of the day. It's counter-intuitive.

Thank you very much for your efforts. Huge fan!

danielmagnussons commented 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for the feedback, I'm not sure I understand though, can you explain the use-case further?

redtoade commented 9 years ago

Sure. My agenda will show a day/timeline similar to this:

------------[TOP OF FRAME]------------
Day-agenda (W21):
Friday     22 May 2015
  upkeep:      6:00...... Awake                               :Personal::repeat:
  upkeep:      7:00...... Breakfast                           :Personal::repeat:
               8:00...... ----------------
  00020-General: 9:00...... punch in                              :Work:repeat::
  00020-General: 9:15...... Deadline:   TODO Refile [[./actions.org][captured tasks]] :Work:repeat::
->00020-General: 9:30...... Deadline:   TODO Postpone tasks that cannot be accomplished today :Work:repeat::
  00020-General: 9:40...... Deadline:   TODO Schedule [[elisp:(org-agenda-list-stuck-projects)][stuck actions]] :Work:repeat::
              10:00...... ----------------
  00020-General:11:30...... Deadline:   TODO lunch                :Work:repeat::
              11:56...... now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  00020-General:12:00...... Deadline:   TODO Invention Friday - Email [[outlook:00000000677C1D74E89EE04298E1176E774940F9070020871122AD8C1342A90CA88293B243E10000022DEE92000020871122AD8C1342A90CA88293B243E10000022E1FDB0000][RE: Invention Friday - 150306 (Kolt Loughran)]] :Work:repeat::
              12:00...... ----------------

If I were to select the 9:30 AM task (TODO Postpone) and clock in (press 'I'), it will reposition that line at the top of the screen

------------[TOP OF FRAME]------------
->00020-General: 9:30...... Deadline:   TODO Postpone tasks that cannot be accomplished today :Work:repeat::
  00020-General: 9:40...... Deadline:   TODO Schedule [[elisp:(org-agenda-list-stuck-projects)][stuck actions]] :Work:repeat::
              10:00...... ----------------
  00020-General:11:30...... Deadline:   TODO lunch                :Work:repeat::
              11:56...... now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  00020-General:12:00...... Deadline:   TODO Invention Friday - Email [[outlook:00000000677C1D74E89EE04298E1176E774940F9070020871122AD8C1342A90CA88293B243E10000022DEE92000020871122AD8C1342A90CA88293B243E10000022E1FDB0000][RE: Invention Friday - 150306 (Kolt Loughran)]] :Work:repeat::
              12:00...... ----------------

This also occurs when I change the state to DONE and a few other Agenda commands. It hides all events that are taking place prior to the selected line. In order to restore the full timeline, I then typically use Ctrl-L (recenter-top-bottom) to scroll everything back on the screen.

It's more of a nuisance than a bug, as it doesn't seem as though it is a big deal until you use the feature all day long. It has the effect of scrolling up and down, up and down... making my brain search for the item I had just selected.. Imagine a paper calendar on your wall going up and down every time you tried to focus on one particular day.

I looked at at the org-agenda.el code a bit, specifically the org-agenda-clock-in function where it seems the selected line is being told to reposition itself to the top of the buffer... but my learning curve is a bit steep here.

Let me know how I can help.


rbenson commented 8 years ago

@redtoade are you working with orgmode within Emacs perhaps? This git is for the orgmode port to sublime text (ST)). I had hoped to make an agenda-like feature in ST, but i am no where close to completion