danielmagnussons / orgmode

orgmode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.
MIT License
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Would you be interested in merging repos? #78

Open ihdavids opened 3 years ago

ihdavids commented 3 years ago

I have been working on a new orgmode for sublime. It has quite a bit of functionality. Agenda, RevealJs export, HTML export, limited babel support, code block support, inline image preview, tag search, tab cycling, property drawers, scheduling, etc etc ad nauseum.

I actually used your excellent package as a starting place to learn about package development among other things. I site you with credit for your excellent work.

As I went to post the package on package control I was asked if I had approached you about merging into your package and becoming a maintainer of the repo.

Thoughts? https://github.com/ihdavids/orgextended

danielmagnussons commented 3 years ago

Your version looks much better and have gotten a lot more love then mine =)

So sounds like a good idea, how do we proceed?

ihdavids commented 3 years ago

Whelp... I am still trying to incorporate at least some of the feedback from my review as I was trying to submit my package. I figure that input is probably good to respect regardless of if we go this route or not.

I would want to still have shared control with you over the plugin. Would that be okay? If so, probably the easiest way to go about this is to add me as an owner to your repo.

I can then take and integrate / clobber your repo with a drop from my repo then we can tag it as a 2.0.0 version of the plugin. We can proceed together in moving the plugin forward? Honestly, my plugin is pretty crap. I wrote it for me, so having more eyes on it would probably only have positive benefits... might even encourage me to write better code. :)

I have removed the docs folder from my repo and moved them to their own repo. (They are a collection of org mode files) Doing that was part of my package feedback since the docs have a bunch of animated gifs and they keep growing. Sooo. I can move that as well to another repo (so the name can reflect the name change in the plugin) and add you to that as well as an owner.

danielmagnussons commented 3 years ago

Added you as collaborator =)

My time is very limited these days, so do your thing =)