danielmahal / Rumpetroll

Rumpetroll is a massive-multiplayer experiment. It's purpose was to try out new open web technologies like WebSockets and Canvas.
MIT License
769 stars 168 forks source link

A couple of changes #4

Closed danielconnor closed 13 years ago

danielconnor commented 13 years ago

-Changed message input so that cursor is visible while typing

-Arrow keys can be used for navigation

-Up/Down arrows can be used to cycle through recently sent messages when the message input is open

hpeikemo commented 13 years ago

Great features. Will pull this to a branch on our repository and put it on the beta site for testing.

hpeikemo commented 13 years ago

Great work! Have pulled your code to the mongodb_storage branch. Now running on http://rumpetroll.beta.six12.co for tweaks and bugtesting.

danielconnor commented 13 years ago

Thanks! Yeah...there probably are a lot of bugs to squish ;-)