danielmarschall / oidplus

OIDplus 2.0 - An OpenSource online Registration Authority for OIDs and other Object Types
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Small issues with new update system #33

Open danielmarschall opened 7 months ago

danielmarschall commented 7 months ago

Done. Created a small .htaccess file, so that I could now delete the v2 files (which are identical to the v3 files, just with a different filename).

# File created using:
# <?php
# echo "RewriteEngine  on\n";
# echo "RewriteBase    /\n";
# for ($i=1; $i<=1425; $i++) {
#     echo "RewriteRule    ^updates/update_".($i-1)."_to_".$i."\\.txt\$ updates/v3/changescript_2.0.0.".$i.".txt [PT]\n";
#     echo "RewriteRule    ^updates/update_".($i-1)."_to_".$i."\\.txt\\.gz\$ updates/v3/changescript_2.0.0.".$i.".txt.gz [PT]\n";
# }
# echo "RewriteRule    ^updates/update_1425_to_1426\\.txt\$ updates/v3/changescript_2.0.1.txt [PT]\n";
# echo "RewriteRule    ^updates/update_1425_to_1426\\.txt\\.gz\$ updates/v3/changescript_2.0.1.txt.gz [PT]\n";
# ?>

Done. SVN Rev 1430

Done. SVN Rev 1430


--> the timestamp seems to be the current timestamp. That should not be... Doesn't SVN checkout keep the original time?

SVN does not keep track of commit times: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2171939/how-can-i-keep-the-original-file-commit-timestamp-on-subversion

What about GIT?? The same. "git clone" and "git checkout" set the current date, not the commit date. So we should remove that touch feature.

=> Fixed in SVN Rev 1431.