danielmarschall / oidplus

OIDplus 2.0 - An OpenSource online Registration Authority for OIDs and other Object Types
Apache License 2.0
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Tenant Update permission #53

Open danielmarschall opened 5 days ago

danielmarschall commented 5 days ago

There could be some kind of baseconfig setting which permits a tenant to do software updates.

wehowski commented 5 days ago

Hello Daniel, please forgive and excuse my late response, I wanted to write you but was abgelenkt.

Erstmal nochmal danke für Deine viele Arbeit am OIDplus! Neue Plugins von mir werden dazu kommen, aber wie angekündigt bin ich nun etwas langsamer und nehme mir mehr Zeit. Natürlich finde ich es toll wenn Du alle Anwendungsfälle abdeckst, ich möchte aber nicht das Du etwas unnötig machst solltest Du mich im Kopf haben!

I have two tenant use cases in mind:

  1. Is like a normal concept of webhosting with OIDplus and all admin permissions and hosting/ftp access
  2. The tenant as SaaS or managed SHOULD NOT have access to system config or software update, EXCEPT white listed OIDplus-Certificated Plugins allowed by superadmin, as those permissions whould allow to hack or affect the system of superadmin and all the other tenantes!? So in the first try of the tenant plugin the superadmin hast to add root OIDs/Objects manually or by API the tenant has access to, the schema of the tables is copied and the schema and the data of the config table is copied.
  3. ... todo !?!
wehowski commented 5 days ago

...but there could be settings for the tenant to setup welcome page etc. ...?