danielmarschall / oidplus

OIDplus 2.0 - An OpenSource online Registration Authority for OIDs and other Object Types
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RA Protocol #8

Open danielmarschall opened 1 year ago

danielmarschall commented 1 year ago

I have the following idea where every RA keeps a complete protocol of all of their activities. This could be implemented in OIDplus.


RA-Protokoll of RA XYZ


    Seq No       8 digits
    timestamp    ISO 8601  (Z means +00:00 i.e. GMT time)
    dot          "Confidential flag" (can be added and removed by hand)
    EventID      see below
    OID          OID that is affected (except for events NA__ and OP__)
    EventData    Depending on event data, sometimes optional.


00000000 2023-04-01T01:49:00Z   OPHI
00000001 2023-04-01T01:49:00Z   NAHI ViaThinkSoft Registration Authority
00000002 2023-04-01T01:49:00Z   OWHI IANA
00000003 2023-04-01T01:49:00Z   DELE John Doe, jd@example.com
00000004 2023-04-01T01:49:00Z   DERM
00000005 2023-04-01T01:49:00Z . RDAC
00000006 2023-04-01T01:49:00Z . RDAC


RDAC    Mark redacted line in an OUTPUT (it is not LOGGED redacted)

DE  Delegations:
  LE    Delegate <OID> to RA <EventData>
  NC    Acknowledge name change of foreign RA <EventData> for OID <OID>
  RM    Removed delegation of <OID>
  HI    Historic (pre-logging) delegation of <OID> to RA <EventData> (last known RA name)

ST  Status:
  AT    Set status of <OID>. <EventData> DRAFT, ACTIVE, FROZEN, DEFUNCT
  HI    Historic (pre-logging) state of <OID> is <EventData>

AS  ASN.1 labels:
  N1    Assign ASN.1 label <EventData> to <OID>
  RM    Remove ASN.1 label <EventData> from <OID>
  HI    Historic (pre-logging) assignment of ASN.1 label <EventData> to <OID>

UC  Unicode labels:
  OD    Assign Unicode label <EventData> to <OID>
  RM    Remove Unicode label <EventData> from <OID>
  HI    Historic (pre-logging) assignment of Unicode label <EventData> to <OID>

CM  Comments:
  NT    Comment <EventData> to OID <OID>
  HI    Historic (pre-logging) comment <EventData> to OID <OID>

OW  Received ownership:
  NS    Claim ownership of OID <OID>. Received permission from RA <EventData> (optional argument)
  HI    Historic (pre-logging) ownership of OID <OID>. Last received permission from RA <EventData> (optional argument)

LO  Lost ownership:
  ST    Lost ownership of <OID>.
  HI    Historic (pre-logging) lost of OID <OID>.

NA  Own RA name or contact data (No <OID>):
  ME    Set own RA contact data or name
  HI    Historic (pre-logging) contact data or name for own RA

OP  Operational status of own RA (No <OID> or <EventData>):
  EN    Begin operation. Is only set if NO HISTORIC pre-logging events exist! Protocol starts here.
  TM    Terminate operation of this RA. Protocol ends here. (Cannot be undone)
  HI    Begin protocol for an existing operational RA. Protocol starts here. Please continue with **HI events to show the current delegation data.
wehowski commented 1 year ago

Hello Daniel, maybe it can help to take a look at RDAP again? Where RA data is organized in vCards https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8605/ ?

There is also the EPP and RDAP Status Mapping: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8056 But I did not read it so far.

Although RDAP depends on JSON a unique model can be transformed to plain TXT, XML, ... easy?

A further model (my fanatsy idea now) could be to make the OIDplus system "Multitenancy able"/Mandantenfähig? RAs could (optionally?)) also get their own subdomain/database/table prefix/folder... and are of course children of their parent RA.