danielmiessler / fabric

fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
MIT License
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--remoteOllamaServer problems #519

Closed WillJesperson closed 3 weeks ago

WillJesperson commented 4 weeks ago

Discussed in https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/discussions/518

Originally posted by **WillJesperson** June 3, 2024 I am running a remote Ollama server, and am connected to the same network as the server. I had the Ollama server working smoothly for a few day, but then I decided I wanted to try fabric with another ollama model. So I installed the model and ran the command: `echo "tell me a fun fact" | fabric --remoteOllamaServer 192.xxx.xxx.xxx --model llama3:70b -sp ai` It would hang on this command for a while before giving me an error about connecting to the claude server, and me being out of credits. So I went into the fabric files and removed the claude API and chat-gpt API keys which I had inserted at start up. after doing this and deleting the llama3:70b model from my server I ran: `echo "tell me a fun fact" | fabric --remoteOllamaServer 192.xxx.xxx.xxx -sp ai` I was met with a "connection error" line. This is confusing to me because I am still able to access and use the openwebUi I have set up, but when I try to run commands through fabric things do not work. Any help is very welcome!
WillJesperson commented 3 weeks ago

I had to force reinstall pipx in the fabric directory, after that it began working again