danielmiessler / fabric

fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
MIT License
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Vulnerabilities [Questions] #543

Open michaellerickson opened 3 weeks ago

michaellerickson commented 3 weeks ago

I think Fabric is PIVOTAL in shaping how the world needs to see.

I'm still trying to get this to work with OpenAI. There's a token limit issue at the time.

Can django make fabric wed computer vision and text?

Why do we see double?


OpenAI Token limits Screenshot 2024-06-04 064659

blade1981m commented 3 weeks ago

I cannot answer some of your questions unfortunately, but as you mentioned token limit issue with Open AI and have a different list of TPMs I felt I could at least offer some help in that area.

Open AI has the concept of usage tiers and based on the fact that your response said 30000 limit for gpt-4-turbo-preview I believe you are effectively on Open AI's tier 1 usage. Here is the link to the Open AI usage tier 1 guide: Tier 1 Rate Limits. Including a small screenshot for quick reference: image

To workaround this I can offer a couple of suggestions:

  1. Upgrade to a higher tier with Open AI
  2. Use smaller prompts/source material
  3. Utilize a lower level model from Open AI (such as GPT 3.5 Turbo)
  4. Switch to a different public AI provider (I am currently using Google Gemini 1.5 Pro/Flash depending on use case)
  5. Run a local AI

I understand that 1-2 might not be an option and 3-5 may not give you as high a quality results as you are getting from gpt4-turbo. Though personally I have been very happy with the quality I have been getting from Google Gemini. I did want to at least give you a couple of options though in case any of these could work for you.

For reference: Gemini Flash is 1,000,000TPM and Gemini Pro is only marginally higher than gpt4-turbo at 32,000TPM. But both of these are on their free tier. There are pay as you go options for higher amounts.

michaellerickson commented 2 weeks ago

They are forcing a present day solopreneur to a Team plan which at most costs $720 and is meant for two people versus $600 billed annually. You ain't got that, do you?


Ape of the sea over here. I'm after reason. #Q*Gate