danielmiessler / fabric

fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
MIT License
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[Bug]: Go Install is not working TLS Error #911

Open copeleto opened 2 weeks ago

copeleto commented 2 weeks ago

Go Install is not working TLS Error

I was doing go install github.com/danielmiessler/fabric@latest, and i get this error:

Get "https://storage.googleapis.com/proxy-golang-org-prod/c3699a1a2a939cd0-google.golang.org:api-v0.192.0.zip?Expires=1725464415&GoogleAccessId=gcs-urlsigner-prod%40golang-modproxy.iam.gserviceaccount.com&Signature=eWfzOM0NX3cHJMbrmNI4CuSJTwh2Uy%2FlpUpAvpKiMK5zuDwk4O3IZHCHoj4old7ONsjqCEUC0tuWbyq%2Fq72dBsT6X5zdd8RVkcYnKywZ3ipNaWO9%2FnA13ozFQDOCb95sXZYrRSQkaO2OYtwS5Te3%2BBmM3vvhTWgJJPhHaznkeYW9GkSXUThjafqfBMTTWleB%2Br%2FOnyzdSBdKQDxZ8MmGES5i%2BTdopZdWmXgX8%2B4V24GFzbU1BU6hwJYqNKujljM82IzlpXsAu6at9H8RfnSJyNjGsIlbMIXchVqaEmkTb2ifsYovS%2FId%2BlIY5tYCSBQjkoocyU0%2Fd9oYyu%2FzyjjVmg%3D%3D": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Version check

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eugeis commented 1 day ago

I can't reproduce, please try again, here my output:

`I can't reproduce it, please try again.

Here my output:

`❯ go install github.com/danielmiessler/fabric@latest go: downloading github.com/danielmiessler/fabric v1.4.21

~ via 🐹 v1.23.1 took 14s ❯ fabric no session, pattern or user messages provided

~ via 🐹 v1.23.1 ❯ fabric -h Usage: fabric [OPTIONS]

Application Options: -p, --pattern= Choose a pattern -v, --variable= Values for pattern variables, e.g. -v=$name:John -v=$age:30 -C, --context= Choose a context --session= Choose a session -S, --setup Run setup --setup-skip-update-patterns Skip update patterns at setup -t, --temperature= Set temperature (default: 0.7) -T, --topp= Set top P (default: 0.9) -s, --stream Stream -P, --presencepenalty= Set presence penalty (default: 0.0) -r, --raw Use the defaults of the model without sending chat options (like temperature etc.) and use the user role instead of the system role for patterns. -F, --frequencypenalty= Set frequency penalty (default: 0.0) -l, --listpatterns List all patterns -L, --listmodels List all available models -x, --listcontexts List all contexts -X, --listsessions List all sessions -U, --updatepatterns Update patterns -c, --copy Copy to clipboard -m, --model= Choose model -o, --output= Output to file -n, --latest= Number of latest patterns to list (default: 0) -d, --changeDefaultModel Change default pattern -y, --youtube= YouTube video url to grab transcript, comments from it and send to chat --transcript Grab transcript from YouTube video and send to chat --comments Grab comments from YouTube video and send to chat --dry-run Show what would be sent to the model without actually sending it -u, --scrape_url= Scrape website URL to markdown using Jina AI -q, --scrape_question= Search question using Jina AI

Help Options: -h, --help Show this help message``