danielmoncada / date-time-picker

Angular Date Time Picker (Responsive Design)
MIT License
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Latest version of picker breaks startView #113

Closed POFerro closed 2 years ago

POFerro commented 3 years ago


Since I installed the version 11.0.0 I can't no longer set startView in html. I get the error: Type '"year"' is not assignable to type 'DateView'

The sample as shown in: https://daniel-projects.firebaseapp.com/owlng/date-time-picker#starting-view doesn't seem to be working any more.

Am I missing something? How do I set startView from the html view?

Thanks and best regards POFerro

danielmoncada commented 3 years ago

@POFerro it's an enum value.

Specify in HTML like this:

<owl-date-time [startView]="startView" #date_range_component [startAt]="currentValue" [endAt]="endValue"></owl-date-time>

Then in ts, create a variable to bind to:

  public startView: DateView;
  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.startView = DateView.MULTI_YEARS;

None of this changed, so it should work as previously. Maybe Angular changed how you can bind to enum types in NG11, and you cant use direct string -> enum any more.

POFerro commented 2 years ago

Hi @danielmoncada ,

Thanks for the answer :).

This was broke on PR: #95 if you check the difference in calendar.component.ts you can see the type of startView has changed from string (restricted) to enum and this causes a break in angular templates.

Is this going to be reviewed? Will this be the future behavior? Currently the only solution I see for this to work is by declaring a variable in component controller .ts like public DateView = DateView; or having the variable like you said, previous solution was more clean.

Perhaps a in middle solution would be to have a type declared with the string restriction to be able to reuse it but still be a string :).

Thanks and best regards POFerro

khalla commented 2 years ago

Hi @danielmoncada and @POFerro,

Actually DateView is not exported in "@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker". The workaround I found was to re-declare

export enum DateView {
  MONTH = 'month',
  YEAR = 'year',
  MULTI_YEARS = 'multi-years'

export type DateViewType = DateView.MONTH | DateView.YEAR | DateView.MULTI_YEARS;

and use this one instaed...

Thanks and best regards Renato Vieira

danielmoncada commented 2 years ago

@khalla and @POFerro added DateView enum to api, per https://github.com/danielmoncada/date-time-picker/pull/142.

Will be available in 13.0.1.