ChatGPT is an open-source chat application developed with .NET MAUI, employing OpenAI technologies to replicate functionality similar to ChatGPT. The application generates chat responses using these OpenAI technologies.
/Users/raziel/code/MauiChatGPT/ChatGPT/ILLINK: Warning MT0182: Not linking with the framework OpenGLES (referenced by a module reference in SkiaSharp.Views.iOS.dll) because it's not available on the current platform (MacCatalyst). (MT0182) (ChatGPT)
/Users/raziel/code/MauiChatGPT/ChatGPT/ILLINK: Warning MT0182: Not linking with the framework OpenGLES (referenced by a module reference in SkiaSharp.Views.iOS.dll) because it's not available on the current platform (MacCatalyst). (MT0182) (ChatGPT)