danielnarey / modular-ui-roadmap

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Getting up to speed with Elm 0.19 #1

Open danielnarey opened 6 years ago

danielnarey commented 6 years ago

Well, it's a good thing that I was behind schedule in getting back to work on Modular UI, because Elm 0.19 released this week without much warning:

https://github.com/elm/compiler/blob/master/upgrade-docs/0.19.md https://elm-lang.org/blog/small-assets-without-the-headache

There are breaking changes in repo location, core modules, and package configuration that will affect all community packages. Because the VirtualDom and Html packages appear mostly unchanged, I expect this upgrade to have minimal impact on design considerations for Modular UI, but it will still take some extra work to figure out what is new with 0.19 and what will have to be modified from 0.18 dependencies.