danielo515 / TW5-KeyboardSnippets

Adding functionalitys to the TW5 text widgets for faster editing such as simple key snippets
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Visual reminder of configured shortcuts #3

Open danielo515 opened 9 years ago

danielo515 commented 9 years ago

One of the mayor usability problems of this plugin is that you have to remember which shortcuts you have configured. Giving the user a visual reminder is very important. Sylvain suggested a very cool approach: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/tFMtkNRZgTw/NxZHBalwFAEJ

silvyn commented 9 years ago

Hi Danielo, thanks for opening this issue :)

I upload here my screenshot : tw5-visual-reminder

I've share this on my wiki here (in french) : http://sylvain.naud.in/public/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki-guide-fr-CCbysa.html#AideEdition

I had edit $:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Hint tiddler, but I don't know if it's correct.

I use Font Awesome Plugin from TheDiveO : http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/output/fontawesome.html (but maybe for this stuff it will be nice to include some other SVG file instead).


NB : I just create my GitHub account ;)

danielo515 commented 9 years ago

Hello Silvyn

I really like your implementation. Seems that the snippets reminders are wrote by hand. My plan is to introduce a function that summarizes it. If a "description" or "caption" field for the shortcut is available it will be used. If not, just the key combination and the rendered result will be sown.

I think it is better to not depend by other plugin to just display some icons. I would prefer to include them as SVGs. Anyway, would you mind to tell my in wich tiddler is your CSS defined?

I had edit $:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Hint tiddler, but I don't know if it's correct

Sorry I don't understand what do youmean.

silvyn commented 9 years ago

Hello, I already agree for SVG. Actually Awesome Font Plugin use a WOFF web font ($:/plugins/TheDiveO/FontAwesome/fonts/FontAwesome), but we could use SVG source of upstream (or draw new). So didn't define a particular CSS (plugin already do).

I like your plan to summarizes it ; that why I don't put all existing keybord shortcuts (to be not too big).

I speak about $:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Hint tiddler because I've wrote in this tiddler my reminder. But it's sort of system tiddler, so it's not a good idea I think.

felixhayashi commented 8 years ago

I thought about this quite often! But it would be better if it doesn't consume any space so a dropdown that says "Use wikitext for formatting […] and use key combos to be faster" and when you click on key combos, a dropdown with the current key combos is displayed.

I think the easiest way to implement this would be to override the shadow tiddler that holds the default "Use wikitext for formatting […] " and transclude the original text so all languages are still translated and then add your text to it.