danielpalme / ReportGenerator

ReportGenerator converts coverage reports generated by coverlet, OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo, Clover, gcov or lcov into human readable reports in various formats.
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Error when creating History File #530

Closed maxl-13 closed 2 years ago

maxl-13 commented 2 years ago


I want to create the History graph. I put the xml reports in a folder (Does I need the output from the reportgenerator??). But i am getting this error message. Someone has any idea how i have to structure the files to fix this?

2022-06-10T07:15:58: Error during reading historic report 'covrep/2022-05-27_20-56-49_CoverageHistory.xml': Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


danielpalme commented 2 years ago

Can you please share the content of your history file 2022-05-27_20-56-49_CoverageHistory.xml? You can also send it by email: reportgenerator@palmmedia.de

maxl-13 commented 2 years ago

The content is the last Summary.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CoverageReport scope="Summary">
    <Generatedon>06/10/2022 - 07:15:59</Generatedon>
    <Parser>MultiReport (2x Cobertura)</Parser>
    <Assembly name="ClassLibrary1" classes="1" coverage="34.4" coveredlines="10" coverablelines="29" totallines="89" branchcoverage="66.6" coveredbranches="4" totalbranches="6" coveredmethods="6" totalmethods="7" methodcoverage="85.7">
      <Class name="ClassLibrary1.Class1" coverage="34.4" coveredlines="10" coverablelines="29" totallines="89" branchcoverage="66.6" coveredbranches="4" totalbranches="6" coveredmethods="6" totalmethods="7" methodcoverage="85.7" />
danielpalme commented 2 years ago

It seems like you have manually copied the XML file to the history directory. That's not how it works. There is no manual effort required. Please delete the file and just execute ReportGenerator with the historydir:covrep parameter.

Every time you execute ReportGenerator it will generate a new XML file in that directory. If you specify -reporttypes:Html, you will see charts in your report.

maxl-13 commented 2 years ago

Ok thank you, thats is what i am searching for :)