danielreiser / Homebridge-Simple-Garage-Door-Opener

MIT License
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Invert output #1

Open alka1001 opened 7 years ago

alka1001 commented 7 years ago

I'm homebridge and a relays board attached to gpio pin. The problem is that this board activate the relay when the output is low. Is it possible to implement an inverted-output? Thanks!

varna33 commented 7 years ago

I just managed to the issue by setting opening status "high", and switching sequence "low" then "high". rpio.open(this.doorSwitchPin, rpio.OUTPUT, rpio.HIGH); rpio.write(this.doorSwitchPin, rpio.LOW); rpio.sleep(0.5); rpio.write(this.doorSwitchPin, rpio.HIGH);

Also I connected the relay to GPIO 3 (PIN 5) that pulled "high" on reboot. All works perfect - doors are not triggered for false opening in none of the cases: when power is off , when RPI is restarting and homebridge not yet launched, and when homebridge launched. The relay is only triggered when command to open doors is given.

It's really pity that developers are not adding so simple setting to the config.json for some of folks that have need like it is programmed now?

danielreiser commented 6 years ago

"It's really pity that developers are not adding so simple setting to the config.json for some of folks that have need like it is programmed now?" Feel free to create a PR. I am happy to merge it. I've created this for myself and wanted to put it up for anybody to use. If sth is missing we can always add it.

(yeah I know I am bit late to the game sorry for that, haven't checked this repo for a long time)

JasSmiths commented 5 years ago

@danielreiser I'd love to be able to easily change to activate on LOW for the relay, this Plugin looks perfect for what I need but my relay is activated on LOW.