danielrenninghoff / infinality-ultimate-fedora

Fedora packages for infinality-ultimate-bundle by bohoomil
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Broken Dependencies for cairo-gobject 1.14.6-2.fc24 #15

Closed sadsfae closed 8 years ago

sadsfae commented 8 years ago

I'm getting the follow error with dnf updates on Fedora24 now:

Skipping packages with broken dependencies:
 cairo-gobject                             i686           1.14.6-2.fc24           updates          30 k
 cairo-gobject                             x86_64         1.14.6-2.fc24           updates          30 k

Is this something I need to fix myself or could it be triggered by errata updates on deps for cairo-gobject?

Here's the cairo stuff I have installed:


Thanks for providing and working on these packages, they are great.

genes1122 commented 8 years ago

It looks like the problem is with infinality-ultimate-fedora. These rpm commands show that it needs to provide a new version of cairo.

$ sudo rpm -q cairo-gobject --requires ... cairo(x86-64) = 1.14.6-1.fc24 ... $ sudo rpm -q cairo-infinality-ultimate --provides cairo = 1.14.6-1.fc24 ...


danielrenninghoff commented 8 years ago

Sorry about the delay. I was really busy :( I'm currently in the process of building the fixed packages, should be fixed in 30min.

danielrenninghoff commented 8 years ago

Should be fixed now. Please install cairo-infinality-ultimate-gobject manually.

sadsfae commented 8 years ago

Fixed for me, thank you @drenninghoff

 cairo-devel                                 x86_64                   1.14.6-2.fc24                    updates                               369 k
 cairo-gobject                               x86_64                   1.14.6-2.fc24                    updates                                30 k
 cairo-infinality-ultimate                   i686                     1.14.6-2.fc24                    infinality-ultimate                   739 k
 cairo-infinality-ultimate                   x86_64                   1.14.6-2.fc24                    infinality-ultimate                   706 k

Note, I replaced the system cairo-gobject with cairo-infinality-ultimate-goject after doing a standard dnf update via dnf install cairo-infinality-ultimate-gobject --allowerasing

I expect that's the best course of action?

danielrenninghoff commented 8 years ago

Yes. It seems like there is no way to let dnf know to automatically install cairo-infinality-ultimate-* packages instead of the regular ones.