danielsaidi / BottomSheet

BottomSheet lets you add custom bottom sheets to your SwiftUI apps.
MIT License
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About the deprecated notice #14

Closed austincondiff closed 1 year ago

austincondiff commented 1 year ago

This library will be deprecated, due to the new SwiftUI 4 custom sheet size capabilities. Since this functionality will be added to SwiftUI, this library is no longer needed.

In SwiftUI 4, you can use the new presentationDetents view modifier to define custom sheet sizes. You can also make sheets non-dismissable, hide the resize handle, etc.

I get it, but to my knowledge it isn't possible to interact with the background and hide the scrim behind the sheet. If this is required, is this library still a good fit or am I missing something?

danielsaidi commented 1 year ago

Hi @austincondiff

There is no native way to hide the dimmed background in SwiftUI just yet, but I've created a view modifier that does this, that you can use instead of presentationDetents.

I write more about it here: https://danielsaidi.com/blog/2022/06/21/undimmed-presentation-detents-in-swiftui

You can grab the view modifier from here: https://github.com/danielsaidi/SwiftUIKit/