danielsaidi / RichTextKit

RichTextKit is a Swift SDK that helps you use rich text in Swift and SwiftUI.
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Dynamic font resizing according to parent view. #169

Open alelordelo opened 2 months ago

alelordelo commented 2 months ago

Would be great to have dynamic font resizing according to parent view.

This tutorial explains how to achieve this in SwiftUI: https://malauch.com/posts/auto-resizable-text-size-in-swiftui/

I believe in AppKit, this could be used si we can se a adjustFontSizeToFit config option .

@danielsaidi , what you think?

import Cocoa

class DynamicTextView: NSTextView {
    override func viewDidEndLiveResize() {

    private func adjustFontSizeToFit() {
        guard let textStorage = self.textStorage else { return }

        let containerSize = self.textContainer?.size ?? NSSize(width: self.bounds.width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
        var currentFontSize = self.font?.pointSize ?? NSFont.systemFontSize
        let text = textStorage.string

        let textAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [.font: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: currentFontSize)]
        var textSize = text.size(withAttributes: textAttributes)

        // Decrease font size if text exceeds the container
        while textSize.width > containerSize.width || textSize.height > containerSize.height {
            currentFontSize -= 1
            textSize = text.size(withAttributes: [.font: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: currentFontSize)])

        // Apply the adjusted font size
        self.font = NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: currentFontSize)
danielsaidi commented 2 months ago

Hi @alelordelo

I'm not sure how this would work with the text view. If you can create an example, I'd be very interested in taking a look at it.