danielsaidi / SystemNotification

SystemNotification is a Swift SDK that helps you mimic the native iOS system notification in SwiftUI.
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Include the system notification content height in verticalOffset #15

Open briancordanyoung opened 1 month ago

briancordanyoung commented 1 month ago

When dynamic type becomes excessively large, the system notification view may expand and become visible while in the dismissed state. The verticalOffset of 250 is not enough to keep the view off screen.

This PR includes the height of the system notification view content in the offset ensuring that the view is not visible in these cases.

It's not clear to me, but this might allow for the base offset of 250 to be reduced.

danielsaidi commented 1 month ago

Hi @briancordanyoung

Thank you - looks promising! I will give it a try, and as you say, hopefully it will let us reduce or remove the base offset.