danielsaidi / SystemNotification

SystemNotification is a Swift SDK that helps you mimic the native iOS system notification in SwiftUI.
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Long standing notification with progress indicator #17

Open martindufort opened 1 month ago

martindufort commented 1 month ago

I want to leverage SystemNotification so I can display a long-standing notification that would be dismissed after completion of a task.

That notification would have a ProgressIndicator and a message. Once the operation is completed, a checkmark would be displayed with the completion message.

Something like:

(*) Syncing your account (check) Your account has been synced.

I was thinking of enhancing the SystemNotificationContext to provide this capability. Is that the recommended way?

danielsaidi commented 1 month ago

Hi @martindufort

I'm really sorry that I'm slow to reply to many of your issues. I've been swamped for many weeks now, with very little time for open-source projects.

If you want to have strict control over the presentation, the system notification context should work great. But you can also use a bool binding, which you could control externally as well.

martindufort commented 1 month ago

Ok thanks. Will try it out.