danielscherzer / GLSL

VSIX Project that provides GLSL language integration.
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Errors are not marked (no squiggle-underline) #127

Closed MV10 closed 4 months ago

MV10 commented 4 months ago

VS 2022 v17.9.6 Extension v0.11.170

I'm not sure exactly when this broke, but some time last year the plugin stopped marking most error lines with the red squiggle. I just updated to the version shown above today and the problem persists, and I think this is the second time I've updated since it showed up. The editor "Show error squiggles" option has not been disabled and it works in other languages. I don't know if it's related, but as I'm actively typing it shows the red squiggle, but it goes away when I stop (I assume after the 200ms compiler delay). I can't recall if it did that back when the error squiggles worked correctly.

I say "most" errors because sometimes (very rarely) it does work. For example, I added the garbage "asdf" to this line and clicked elsewhere which dismissed the intellisense popup:


But then I go right back to that same line and replace "asdf" with "querty" and before I even leave the line or dismiss intellisense, the squiggle goes away:


However, it still recognizes the error exists; if I hover the mouse pointer over the line, it'll pop up the correct error message:


danielscherzer commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your feedback! I can reproduce the error.

danielscherzer commented 4 months ago

Hm, not sure why it's not working...

MV10 commented 4 months ago

Yeah the problem persisted even through a complete uninstall and reinstall of VS. I had reported a MAUI Android bug to them and they asked me to remove VS and try a preview version. I think that was back around December. Then I went back to the release version and reinstalled this and a few other extensions I use.

About the only thing I really disable with any wide impact is CodeLens, but re-enabling that had no effect (and I wouldn't expect it to).

danielscherzer commented 4 months ago

The new version works for me now. Hopefully for you too.

MV10 commented 4 months ago

YES! Working now.

Wow, every few days I spend a few hours writing GLSL, this is fantastic. Thank you!

danielscherzer commented 4 months ago
