danielschmitz / my-sales-aapp

This is the project from my book Angular from Scratch
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6.3 Supplier DTO - Page 155 #7

Open joeromine opened 2 years ago

joeromine commented 2 years ago

The below text needs to be translated into English

The Supplier has the fields id, companyName, contatctName and contatctTitle, and the address field. Para “transformar” esta informação em um DTO, acesse o site json2ts.com e cole o json acima na caixa de texto, e então clique no botão verde generate TypeSript.

danielschmitz commented 2 years ago

Hi. Thank you very much for the correction. I have revised the book and have translated this part. You can download the book again from the leanpub website at https://leanpub.com/book-angular