danielsgriffin / SearchRights

The public repository for SearchRights.org: dedicated to the evaluation and promotion of search systems that focus on including the user
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Conduct an accessibility audit of the websites? #32

Open danielsgriffin opened 9 months ago

danielsgriffin commented 9 months ago

Example: The personalize-icon-global button on YouChat does not have a title attribute:


<div class="sc-9e25bef2-4 ispnuE">
    <svg class="sc-17eedb95-0 clBFwg" width="23" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 23" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" data-testid="personalize-icon-global">
        <path d="M4.68766 21.0833V16.2917M4.68766 6.70832V1.91666M2.0835 4.31249H7.29183M2.0835 18.6875H7.29183M13.5418 2.87499L11.7354 7.19598C11.4416 7.89866 11.2948 8.25 11.0663 8.54553C10.8639 8.80745 10.6152 9.0363 10.3305 9.22254C10.0092 9.43268 9.62734 9.56781 8.86356 9.83807L4.16683 11.5L8.86356 13.1619C9.62734 13.4322 10.0092 13.5673 10.3305 13.7774C10.6152 13.9637 10.8639 14.1925 11.0663 14.4544C11.2948 14.75 11.4416 15.1013 11.7354 15.804L13.5418 20.125L15.3483 15.804C15.642 15.1013 15.7889 14.75 16.0173 14.4544C16.2198 14.1925 16.4685 13.9637 16.7532 13.7774C17.0744 13.5673 17.4563 13.4322 18.2201 13.1619L22.9168 11.5L18.2201 9.83807C17.4563 9.56781 17.0744 9.43268 16.7532 9.22254C16.4685 9.0363 16.2198 8.80745 16.0173 8.54553C15.7889 8.25 15.642 7.89866 15.3483 7.19598L13.5418 2.87499Z" stroke="url(#paint0_linear_1117_41949)" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
            <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1117_41949" x1="12.5002" y1="1.91666" x2="12.5002" y2="21.0833" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
                <stop stop-color="#005AC9"></stop>
                <stop offset="1" stop-color="#6F00C7"></stop>

(new lines added in the HTML above