danielsobrado / CCDAK-Exam-Questions

Confluent Kafka questions to practice for CCDAK
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Fix answer explanation [Broker] [Questions1 -> Question 3] #9

Closed dkoutsonikolis closed 1 week ago

dkoutsonikolis commented 1 week ago

In Brokers -> Questions1 -> Question 3 -> Explanation for 2. (link) it is mentioned:

Kafka uses Zookeeper to manage cluster metadata and to perform leader election for both the controller and partition leaders.

which I think is wrong and should be changed to

Kafka uses Zookeeper to manage cluster metadata and to perform leader election for the controller.

As mentioned already in the next explanation, the Controller manages partition leader elections, not Zookeeper.

danielsobrado commented 1 week ago

Thanks a lot, updated!

dkoutsonikolis commented 1 week ago

Thank you for this repo!

danielsobrado commented 1 week ago

Thanks to you for contributing!