danielwelch / coc-homeassistant

A coc.nvim extension for Home Assistant
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HA Language Service #1

Open keesschollaart81 opened 4 years ago

keesschollaart81 commented 4 years ago

Hi Daniel,

I didn't notice this effort earlier. Good to see you were able to leverage some of the work I did for VS Code.

Would it be useful to you if I pull out the Language Server/Service pieces into a separate package which you can use? That would also make implementations for other IDE's easier, it reduces code duplication etc. Let me know, then we can work together to make that happen!

danielwelch commented 4 years ago

Hey @keesschollaart81 , thanks for all of the great work.

Yes, separating that out would be very helpful and a great start towards making this more maintainable. Would love to help out as I'm able.

keesschollaart81 commented 4 years ago

Awesome, I'll start the work 1,5 week from now since I'm currently on holiday. To be continued!

keesschollaart81 commented 4 years ago

Work in progress here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/home-assistant-language-service. I'll do a PR to this repo when it's done.

Edit: nevermind, moved it back here: https://github.com/keesschollaart81/vscode-home-assistant/tree/dev/src/language-service. Easier to maintain.