danielwelch / coc-homeassistant

A coc.nvim extension for Home Assistant
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please help with filetype #10

Open prankousky opened 2 years ago

prankousky commented 2 years ago

Hi everybody,

I recently stumbled across this project and had to try it. After installing coc.nvim and populating the CocConfig, I realized nothing would work when entering a .yaml file in my Home Assistant directory.

Eventually, I tried :set filetype=home-assistant, and all the sudden got completion working. However, this removed syntax highlighting for .yaml, so the entire file was rendering in one single color (instead of, for example - (orange) service (teal) : (orange) media_player.turn_off (green).

Is there a way to use this and keep syntax highlighting for yaml working at the same time?

Thank you in advance for your ideas :)

cjd commented 1 year ago

You can fix up the syntax highlighting with :set syntax=yaml