danielwhatmuff / zappa

Zappa Docker image based on Lambda compatible base
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Slow update command #14

Closed shawnzam closed 5 years ago

shawnzam commented 5 years ago

It takes about 20 minutes to update my app, stalling during the the Packaging project as zip. part.

I am running https://github.com/danielwhatmuff/zappa container anf my application is set to use python 3.6.4


Expected Behavior

I expect zappa update dev to complete much faster

Actual Behavior

It takes about 20 minutes to compete. I am looking for a verbose mode to figure out what is causing the slowdown.

Your Environment

    "dev": {
        "django_settings": "todo.settings",
        "profile_name": "wcit",
        "project_name": "task",
        "runtime": "python3.6",
        "s3_bucket": "zappa-<removed>",
        "aws_region": "us-east-1",
        "vpc_config": {
            "SubnetIds": ["subnet-<removed>",
            "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-<removed>"]
        "exclude": [
shawnzam commented 5 years ago

figured it out, trailing slashes don't work in excludes. #692