danielwippermann / resol-vbus

A JavaScript library for processing RESOL VBus data
MIT License
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Resol with Home assistant #33

Closed Boosmoo closed 3 years ago

Boosmoo commented 4 years ago

Hello Daniel,

Do you know if its possible to connect a resol dl2 datalogger with homeassistant?

Greetings, Klaas

danielwippermann commented 4 years ago

Hi Klaas,

no, sorry, I'm not aware of any Homeassistant-related solutions.

Best regards, Daniel

dm82m commented 4 years ago

@Boosmoo I will dig into that topic soon. Ordered a resol KM2 today. My plan is to use it within vbus.net and then use HomeAssistant to grab specific data from vbus.net - I know that is not exactly your scenario but maybe it could help you somehow.

ploppythekangaroo commented 4 years ago

Did anyone have any luck in connecting this to Home assistant? I have a Resol LAN adapter. I can get the data from the network to my (win10) PC, but am not sure how to get this onto my HA pi4.

dm82m commented 4 years ago

I am using a Resol KM2 and reading data from that adapter and putting the data into Home Assistant. If that is what you need, just let me know and I will share my solution with you.

ploppythekangaroo commented 4 years ago

The KM2 is different to the LAN adapter. The Land adapter just shares the Resol (BS Plus) controller onto my local network. I understand the KM2 shares the data to the internet for retrievable via the VBus interface. Would love to hear if you got the data locally, or from the internet interface. Really would like to get this working onto HA so I can monitor my Solar panels. Wish I'd got the KM2 now!

dm82m commented 4 years ago

I am getting the data locally - not from vbus.net! I use this service for it: maybe you can just check if the LAN adapter also provides that endpoint, I have no idea if that is the case...

ploppythekangaroo commented 4 years ago

All I get from that URL is a (more or less) blank page: Annotation 2020-09-16 091331 The page source gives nothing away.

I've managed to set up the Resol Service centre with a graphic and some live readings, but it looks like I need a DL2 or DL3 to show this elsewhere: Screenshot 2020-09-16 091400

artspe commented 3 years ago

@dm82m Would be interested in your solution as I'm also on KM2 and struggling to integrate it into homeassistant.

dm82m commented 3 years ago

@artspe added something for you here: https://github.com/dm82m/homeassistant-resol-km2

Open an issue there if you need support.

danielwippermann commented 3 years ago

Closing this stale issue. If you need additional help don't hesitate to open a new issue.

dm82m commented 3 years ago

I created a whole plugin for Home Assistant, integrated in HACS, feel free to use it: https://github.com/dm82m/hass-Deltasol-KM2