danielwippermann / resol-vbus

A JavaScript library for processing RESOL VBus data
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Write data to Deltasol MX #77

Closed ChR-iSz closed 1 year ago

ChR-iSz commented 2 years ago

I have a Deltasol MX with VBUS Adapter (USB).

It is possible to send data to the Deltasol MX ?

My plan: I will check the weather data (primary the sun data) for next 1-2 hourse before the burner will start (Temp: <=44•C).

If i see, as example, in the next 1-2 hours the sun will shining the stop/hold the start of the burner

It is possible ? The logic i can self develop. The question is, how can i send to the deltasol MX or stop/hold the burning process ?

danielwippermann commented 2 years ago

Hi @ChR-iSz!

Sorry for replying late...

Yes, that is most likely possible. It mostly depends on your configuration and which piece of optional function you use for switching your burner.

The easiest way would be to change the manual mode of the relay / output that is connected to your burner. That way no signal would be forwarded even if your MX thinks it still switches the burner on.

The more secure way would be to find the internal ID of your burner function and check whether is has an 'Activated/Deactivated' option. Switching that has the advantage that other functions that rely on the burner activity (like parallel relays or function blocks) also see the correct state of the relay.

In both cases the "customizer" example should be a good starting point for such a tool:

Source: https://github.com/danielwippermann/resol-vbus/tree/master/examples/customizer Documentation: http://danielwippermann.github.io/resol-vbus/#/md/docs/customizer-example

And that should already support the MX out-of-the-box. You only need to know which values to change. For that I offer you to send me a SET file from your controller together with the info which relay you want to switch. I'll then figure out the appropriate values.

Best regards, Daniel

ChR-iSz commented 2 years ago

Hallo Daniel, danke. Können wir in Deutsch weiter kommunizieren ? Ich werde morgen versuchen das SET file zu erzeugen, und es Dir zu senden...

danielwippermann commented 2 years ago

Huhu @ChR-iSz ! Klar, kein Problem. Wenn Du das SET-File hier nicht öffentlich zur Verfügung stellen willst, kannst es mir auch an daniel.wippermann@gmail.com schicken.

ChR-iSz commented 2 years ago

Hallo @danielwippermann Jetzt finde ich in Deinen Docs leider den link nicht mehr, zum erstellen des SET File...

danielwippermann commented 2 years ago

Huhu @ChR-iSz! Du kannst die SET-Datei direkt am Regler über das Menü "Hauptmenu -> SD-Karte -> Einstellungen speichern" auf eine SD-Karte speichern. Alternativ geht der (aufwändigere) Weg über das RESOL Parameterization Tool (RPT).