daniestevez / galileo-osnma

Galileo OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication)
Apache License 2.0
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ubxtool: specified arguments not available #6

Closed K4KDR closed 2 years ago

K4KDR commented 2 years ago

Perhaps this is a version difference, but several of the arguments specified in your instructions for the use of ubxtool are not available to me.

Is there a particular version or source location for this app that I should seek out?

Here is my current setup:

k4kdr@3010i5:~$ ubxtool --version
ubxtool: Version 3.23.2~dev
k4kdr@3010i5:~$ ubxtool --help
usage: ubxtool [OPTIONS] [host[:port[:device]]]

positional arguments:
  target                [host[:port[:device]]]

optional arguments:
  -?, -h, --help        Show this help message and exit. Use -v 2, or -v 3,
                        for extra help
  -c CMD, --command CMD
                        Send raw command CMD (cls,id...) to receiver
  -d ABLE, --disable ABLE
                        Disable ABLE in the receiver. May be used multiple
  -e ABLE, --enable ABLE
                        Enable ABLE in the receiver. May be used multiple
  --device DEVICE       The gpsd device to connect to. [Default None]
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Read from FILE instead of a gpsd instance.
                        Get ITEM from LAYER and POSITION. LAYER and POSITION
                        are optional. May be used multiple times.
  --host HOST           The gpsd host to connect to.
  -i PORTID, -portid PORTID
                        Specifies receiver PORTID (interface) for port-related
                        commands. [Default None]
  --port PORT           The gpsd port to connect to. [Default 2947]
  -p PRESET, --preset PRESET
                        Poll the receiver for PRESET. May be used multiple
  -P PROTVER, --protver PROTVER
                        Protocol version for sending commands. [Default 10.0]
  -r, --readonly        Read only. Do not send anything to the GPS.
  -R FILE, --rawfile FILE
                        Save raw data from receiver in FILE
  -s SPEED, --inspeed SPEED
                        Set local serial port speed to SPEED bps.
  -S SPEED, --setspeed SPEED
                        Configure receiver speed to SETSPEED.
  -t, --timestamp       Timestamp messages with seconds since UNIX epoch. Use
                        -tt for UTC
  -v VERB, --verbosity VERB
                        Set verbosity level to V, 0 to 5. [Default 0]
  -V, --version         Output version to stderr, then exit
  -w WAIT, --wait WAIT  Wait for WAIT seconds before exiting.. [Default 2.0]
  -x ITEM, --delitem ITEM
                        Delete ITEM from receiver BBR and FLASH layers. May be
                        used multiple times.
  -z ITEM,VAL[,LAYER], --setitem ITEM,VAL[,LAYER]
                        Set ITEM in receiver to VAL in LAYER. LAYER is
                        optional. May be used multiple times.

BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details.
Options can be placed in the UBXOPTS environment variable.
UBXOPTS is processed before the CLI options.
daniestevez commented 2 years ago

I think your problem is described in the Galmon README:

NOTE: One of our programs is called 'ubxtool'. Sadly, we did not do our research, and there is another 'ubxtool' already, part of gpsd. You might have ended up on our page by mistake. Sorry!

I think the ubxtool you're trying to use is the one from gpsd. You should use the one from Galmon. You can clone the master branch from the repository and build according to the instructions in the README.

K4KDR commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much! I can assure you that I never would have realized that they duplicated the name of an app which is part of such an extremely common install (GPSD).

The custom ubxtool is now installed and I will open a separate issue concerning problems that I encounter now that I have the correct utility available.

daniestevez commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to clean up the issues by closing what is already solved and moving to a discussion what has background information that could be interesting to others. I think this issue can be closed, though I see that potentially other people could have the same problem, but hopefully they will find it in the closed issues.

K4KDR commented 2 years ago

Yes - it was confusing & unexpected to find duplicate app names across repositories. Thanks for setting that straight!