danigeos / tisc

TISC is a code to model isostasy, erosion/sediment transport/sedimentation, and tectonic kinematics, mostly for the study of sedimentary basins and source to sink systems.
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GMT4 vs GMT5 for postscript graphic output #6

Open AngelValverdePerez opened 8 years ago

AngelValverdePerez commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to run TISC, but I have troubles with the graphic output written to the 'projectname.ps' file. ¿Which is the exactly version of GMT4 using the program by default? Moreover, I have also the GMT5 version. ¿Is it possible to use the latest version of GMT, and do you know how?

thanks for your time!

danigeos commented 8 years ago

Hi Angel: Near the end of the run, TISC is calling a GMT script to produce the .ps file. By default, the script/tisc.gmt.job script is the one being searched in your $PATH, but there are other examples you can link to, in the same directory. All those GMT C-shell scripts are tested for GMT version 4.5.14 (to date). Since GMT 5 introduces many syntax changes, I am sticking to version 4. However, the gmtswitch command should allow you to easily change from one version to another: http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/doc/5.1.0/gmtswitch.html

mberry28 commented 8 years ago

@danigeos FYI - Erica, in our group, started to update the scripts for GMT5. In the coming months she might be able to finish it. She could get side tracked though.