danihodovic / django-allauth-ui

Nice looking templates for django-allauth
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Adding email addresses does not work for django-allauth-ui v. 1.1.6 under django-allauth v. 0.63.4 #95

Open Naggafin opened 1 month ago

Naggafin commented 1 month ago

I have the beginnings of a project utilizing django-allauth and django-allauth-ui setup. I have made no modifications to either django-allauth or django-allauth-ui, nor overridden any templates or project files. They're both stock and as-is. When launching my project to test out basic account functionality, I noticed that nothing happens when I log in as a user and go to add an email address for the first time. I set a breakpoint in the allauth email management view to discover the cause, and it appears to be right here:

# allauth.account.views


class EmailView(AjaxCapableProcessFormViewMixin, FormView):

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        res = None
        if "action_add" in request.POST:  # <- problem is here: 'action_add' is not in the POST data
            res = super(EmailView, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs)
        elif request.POST.get("email"):  # <- so it goes to this
            if "action_send" in request.POST:
                res = self._action_send(request)
            elif "action_remove" in request.POST:
                res = self._action_remove(request)
            elif "action_primary" in request.POST:
                res = self._action_primary(request)
            res = res or HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())  # <- but none of the checks above pass, so this line is executed w/ res being a redirect
            # Given that we bypassed AjaxCapableProcessFormViewMixin,
            # we'll have to call invoke it manually...
            res = _ajax_response(request, res, data=self._get_ajax_data_if())
            # No email address selected
            res = HttpResponseRedirect(self.success_url)
            res = _ajax_response(request, res, data=self._get_ajax_data_if())
        return res


It appears, when submitting the form to add a new email address, that a required POST field is missing. and it reverts to the default behavior of redirecting to the success url. I would suspect that this behavior is not intended, as the way it stands currently is that it is impossible to add new email addresses. I believe a hidden form field is missing which adds the key being checked for to the POST data.

danihodovic commented 1 month ago

Do you want to take a stab at this? You can compare the templates between allauth and allauth_ui and deduce from there.

I'm guessing the problematic code is here:

Naggafin commented 1 month ago

I can look into it. Busy schedule but simple enough fix. I'll submit a PR tomorrow.

Naggafin commented 1 month ago

Oops. Didn't mean to close this