danikaze / controller-overlay

Display an overlay to show your controller(s) input
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what next #23

Open Fr-Dae opened 1 week ago

Fr-Dae commented 1 week ago

hello, i have download the 2.0 version, and start html file in firefox, what next, how i link your html page with my X52 pro hotas ? nothing move

danikaze commented 1 week ago

Sadly, this project is not really user friendly (I'd have to improve it with an UI or something better). But if you know your way around code, you would have to edit one of the configuration files (i.e. this one was for Elite Dangerous) or add a new one, with the mappings and buttons for the layout that you want to use.

Fr-Dae commented 1 week ago

i'm looking for something like https://github.com/SpaceCowboyLive/joyviz for my obs, i don't plya only on ED

danikaze commented 1 week ago

You can still create one configuration file per each game (because each game uses different key bindings and different actions) In this repo there are 2 configs using the X-56: For Elite Dangerous and for Star Wars Squadrons that you can use as a reference.