Any chance I could get you to make release tags on the versions that are released as NuGets? It would make it a lot easier to find the source code for the current and previous NuGet versions.
You simply select the commit in, give it a version name, and optionally write a description and/or changelog.
You can also upload and attach the complied .dll files to the release, no external hosting required.
Any chance I could get you to make release tags on the versions that are released as NuGets? It would make it a lot easier to find the source code for the current and previous NuGet versions.
You simply select the commit in, give it a version name, and optionally write a description and/or changelog. You can also upload and attach the complied .dll files to the release, no external hosting required.
If you need an example you can see how we do it on AsterNET. Here: