danikhan632 / Auto-GPT-AlpacaTrader-Plugin

MIT License
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clearer instructions #12

Open regholl opened 1 year ago

regholl commented 1 year ago

Wouldit be possible to get some clearer instructions on this repo?

danikhan632 commented 1 year ago

This is a good question, what would you suggest?

cranyy commented 1 year ago

A step by step guide with as much detail as possible would be greatly appreciated. Alpaca is kinda complex to setup, and simply following the prompt you have given in the readme, yields no results, not even test trades, and if you force it to use the alpaca commands it just uses allowed_companies over and over, then tries to google info on them, then forgets what is has found, then repeats.

danikhan632 commented 1 year ago

sorry about this expect an update to the logic with a video setup guide in the next one-two days

danikhan632 commented 1 year ago

also I plan on integrating FinGPT soon

cojovi commented 1 year ago

did these video setup guides ever get made? if so whre can i find them? thanks

danikhan632 commented 1 year ago

just updated with new features, you will need to wait till wednesday to use some features since we are in non-market hours