danilop / yas3fs

YAS3FS (Yet Another S3-backed File System) is a Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) interface to Amazon S3. It was inspired by s3fs but rewritten from scratch to implement a distributed cache synchronized by Amazon SNS notifications. A web console is provided to easily monitor the nodes of a cluster.
MIT License
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Mounting DigitalOcean spaces #157

Open duanemalcolm opened 6 years ago

duanemalcolm commented 6 years ago


I'm trying to use yas3fs to mount the new DigitalOcean object storage called Spaces. Has anyone had any success with this?

Cheers, Duane.

I run the command: yas3fs s3://test /home/spaces --s3-endpoint nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com -d

When I list the contents of the directory:

root@worker1:~# ls spaces 
ls: cannot access 'spaces': Bad address

I get the following output upon trying to mount:

MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.419 DEBUG options = Namespace(aws_managed_encryption=False, buffer_prefetch=0, buffer_size=10240, cache_check=5, cache_disk_size=1024, cache_entries=100000, cache_mem_size=128, cache_on_disk=0, cache_path='', debug=True, download_num=4, download_retries_num=60, download_retries_sleep=1, expiration=2592000, foreground=False, gid=None, hostname=None, id=None, log=None, log_backup_count=10, log_backup_gzip=False, log_mb_size=100, mkdir=False, mountpoint='/home/spaces', mp_num=4, mp_retries=3, mp_size=100, new_queue=False, new_queue_with_hostname=False, no_allow_other=False, no_metadata=False, nonempty=False, port=None, prefetch=False, prefetch_num=2, queue=None, queue_polling=0, queue_wait=20, read_only=False, read_retries_num=10, read_retries_sleep=1, recheck_s3=False, region='us-east-1', requester_pays=False, s3_endpoint='nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com', s3_num=32, s3_retries=3, s3_retries_sleep=1, s3_use_sigv4=False, s3path='s3://test', st_blksize=None, topic=None, uid=None, umask=None, use_ec2_hostname=False, with_plugin_class=None, with_plugin_file=None)
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.419 INFO Version: 2.3.5
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.419 INFO s3-retries: '3'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.420 INFO s3-retries-sleep: '1' seconds
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.420 INFO S3 bucket: 'test'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.420 INFO S3 prefix (can be empty): 'test'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.420 INFO Cache entries: '100000'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.420 INFO Cache memory size (in bytes): '134217728'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.420 INFO Cache disk size (in bytes): '1073741824'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.420 INFO Cache on disk if file size greater than (in bytes): '0'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.421 INFO Cache check interval (in seconds): '5'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.421 INFO Cache ENOENT rechecks S3: False
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.421 INFO AWS Managed Encryption enabled: False
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.421 INFO AWS Managed Encryption enabled: False
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.421 INFO Number of parallel S3 threads (0 to disable writeback): '32'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.421 INFO Number of parallel downloading threads: '4'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.421 INFO Number download retry attempts: '60'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Download retry sleep time seconds: '1'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Number read retry attempts: '10'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Read retry sleep time seconds: '1'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Number of parallel prefetching threads: '2'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Download buffer size (in KB, 0 to disable buffering): '10485760'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Number of buffers to prefetch: '0'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Write metadata (file system attr/xattr) on S3: 'True'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Download prefetch: 'False'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.422 INFO Multipart size: '104857600'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.423 INFO Multipart maximum number of parallel threads: '4'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.423 INFO Multipart maximum number of retries per part: '3'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.423 INFO Default expiration for signed URLs via xattrs: '2592000'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.423 INFO S3 Request Payer: 'False'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.423 INFO Cache path (on disk): '/tmp/yas3fs/test'
MainThread 2017-09-27T13:04:35.435 INFO Unique node ID: 'be86a51e-a4e2-42c3-8066-c3b1e9ff4b2b'
paolobarbolini commented 6 years ago

I tried it on a bucket in ams3 and it seems to be working perfectly.

duanemalcolm commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I just got it working for S3FS so I'll give yas3fs another go. It should work. This reply was timely because it reminded me of YAS3FS. Cheers.