Closed djdoge closed 5 years ago
The post explained well in detail. Just like this:
<calendar component="ComponentInfo{}" prefix="google_calendar_"/>
You should name your 31 icons with the prefix of "googlecalendar", for example: Day 1's name is "google_calendar_1.png" Day 2's name is "google_calendar_2.png" ......
Like this, don't forget to add static icon for launchers that doesn't support dynamic calendar
I've added "
And I wasn't 100% sure if I had to add "...efix="google_calendar_1"/>", "...efix="google_calendar_2"/>" etc.
I've added the icons but it still doesn't work :(
(I'm new to all of this as you might see haha)
Hey you only need to use one line of code.
Only this line,
<calendar component="ComponentInfo{}" prefix="google_calendar_"/>
Hello again!
Do I need to edit in AndroidManifest.xml or is it enough that I add
Thank you!!
The CandyBar Dashboard support dynamic calendar icons by default, no need to edit AndrfoidManifest.xml.
Huh.. I must be doing something wrong then :( Still isn't working
Oh, no need for this "googlecalendar.png", started them from "google_calendar_1.png"
Is there any way to make 2 dynamic calendars for one app ? When I add 2 for the same app it's just uses the second one
Hi, I've made 31 Calendar icons (one for each day) and I'm wondering (if it's possible) how I can set the icons to automatically change day by day?
I've googled around and found this post: DynamicCalendarExample but I still don't 100% follow. Thank you for the help!