danini-the-panini / mittsu

3D Graphics Library for Ruby.
MIT License
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How to solve Fiddle:DLError #100

Open zeke-taylor opened 3 years ago

zeke-taylor commented 3 years ago

Every time I try and run a mittsu program this error pops up: Screenshot-2021-02-24-134325 And then it immediately closes does anybody know how to fix this so that it'll work.

danini-the-panini commented 3 years ago

Have you tried setting the environment variable MITTSU_LIBGLFW_PATH to point to the glfw3 dll file?

danpish commented 10 months ago

@danini-the-panini I tried it. Didn't work. I tried setting it in advance system settings and it didn't work. I tried setting both MITTSU_LIBGLFW_FILE and MITTSU_LIBGLFW_PATH in both cmd and advance system settings with no luck. I also tried copying glfw3.dll to msys2 crt64 bin folder, ruby's bin folder, project root folder and also tried renaming "GLFW3.dll" to "glfw3.dll" in opengl-bindings glfw.rb file. But I think these steps were useless anyway.

danpish commented 10 months ago

It works! my path was messed up. I tried installing mittsu in jruby instead. It didn't work however it gave me more useful debug info ( Could not open library <broken-path> : The specified procedure could not be found.). My path was messed up so I changed it and it still didn't work but at least it found the glfw3.dll. with glfw3.dll correctly in place opening the file with normal ruby successfully opens a window. It's weird because I'm sure I got the path right the first time.

danini-the-panini commented 10 months ago

Yeah i don't think JRuby works properly yet. I think there's a branch where i was experimenting with Charles Nutter