danini / magsac

The MAGSAC algorithm for robust model fitting without using an inlier-outlier threshold
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Fail to run new version of pymagsac. #36

Open ACuOoOoO opened 3 months ago

ACuOoOoO commented 3 months ago

I follow README to install pymagsac from source. However, I cannot run the python examples. I have tried to fix bugs in the examples. However, no inlier cannot be found by

def verify_pymagsac_fundam(kps1, kps2, tentatives, use_magsac_plus_plus):
    src_pts = np.float64([ kps1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in tentatives ]).reshape(-1,2)
    dst_pts = np.float64([ kps2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in tentatives ]).reshape(-1,2)
    src_pts = np.ascontiguousarray(src_pts)
    dst_pts = np.ascontiguousarray(src_pts)
    H, mask,_ = pymagsac.findFundamentalMatrix(
        probabilities = np.ones(src_pts.shape[0]))
    print (deepcopy(mask).astype(np.float32).sum(), 'inliers found')
    return H, mask