daniruiz / flat-remix

Flat Remix is an icon theme inspired by material design. It is mostly flat using a colorful palette with some shadows, highlights, and gradients for some depth.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.69k stars 110 forks source link

Add Kvantum theme #179

Closed Yisus7u7 closed 3 years ago

Yisus7u7 commented 3 years ago


Screenshot_20210730-201519 Screenshot_20210730-183817

Your theme is the something totally amazing, but there is no support for qt apps, that's something annoying, it would be nice if you added a theme for Kvantum, I would appreciate it too.

The system of the screenshots is Android(termux) and xfce4

daniruiz commented 3 years ago

I don't have the time to develop a kvantum theme and I don't use KDE myself so I wouldn't enjoy it that much!

If found that as far as apps follow the same color-palette, the differences in widgets isn't that important. You can try what I have done for Kali with qt5ct https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/packages/kali-themes/-/tree/kali/master/share/qt5ct There, you can find the color-palettes for light and dark themes (themes from kali use the same colors as my flat-remix themes) and a script that makes the scrollbars in fusion widgets look more modern. To configure them, install that folders inside ~/.local/share/qt5ct, install qt5ct, set the env variable QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME, and change the settings inside the qt5ct app.

Here's an screenshot of multiple qt programs in Kali: image

It's not perfect, but it works good enough for me. Hope it helps!