danirus / django-comments-xtd

A pluggable Django comments application with thread support, follow-up notifications, mail confirmation, like/dislike flags, moderation, a ReactJS plugin and Bootstrap 5.3.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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JS plugin issue at version 2.6.1 #172

Open engragy opened 4 years ago

engragy commented 4 years ago

hello danirus first of all your comment app is awesome. i have installed the latest version by following the tutorial in the docs and testing it and it is working fine without the js plugin, so all of the features of the js plugin like (instant preview while typing, Immediate like/dislike actions) is not working for me except for the tooltip and i see this error at the browser console react-dom.production.min.js:238 Uncaught Error: Minified React error #200; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=200 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at Object.I.render (react-dom.production.min.js:238) at Module.69 (plugin-2.6.0.js:1628) at s (plugin-2.6.0.js:80) at r (plugin-2.6.0.js:46) at plugin-2.6.0.js:153 at plugin-2.6.0.js:1 I.render @ react-dom.production.min.js:238 69 @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1 s @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1 r @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1 (anonymous) @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1 (anonymous) @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1

this is what i added in settings.py # comments-xtd conf COMMENTS_APP = 'django_comments_xtd' COMMENTS_XTD_SALT = (b"Timendi causa est nescire. " b"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.") COMMENTS_XTD_FROM_EMAIL = "noreply@example.com" COMMENTS_XTD_CONTACT_EMAIL = "helpdesk@example.com" COMMENTS_XTD_MAX_THREAD_LEVEL = 2 COMMENTS_XTD_LIST_ORDER = ('-thread_id', 'order') COMMENTS_XTD_APP_MODEL_OPTIONS = { 'article.article': { 'allow_flagging': False, 'allow_feedback': True, 'show_feedback': True, }, }

and this is what i added to detail template `{% block extra-js %}

{% endblock %}`

so wrong did i do ?? , please advise

danirus commented 4 years ago

Thanks @engragy, I think you are including two versions of the same script. If you look in the console output you added here in the issue, you will see that the plugin is loaded twice. Once for version 2.6.0 and another with 2.6.1. Maybe you loaded one in the base.html template and the other one in the article_details.html.

engragy commented 4 years ago

i have checked a couple of times now if there is other file like the base that have another version of the script and there wasn't, but i did search for 2.6.0 in all files in the venv and it was in the " django_comments_xtd/static/django_comments_xtd/js/plugin-2.6.1.js.map " and when i change the first line from " {"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///plugin-2.6.0.js"] " to plugin-2.6.1.js the console error changed Uncaught Error: Minified React error #200; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=200 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at Object.I.render (react-dom.production.min.js:238) at Module.69 (plugin-2.6.1.js:1628) at s (plugin-2.6.1.js:80) at r (plugin-2.6.1.js:46) at plugin-2.6.1.js:153 at plugin-2.6.1.js:1 I.render @ react-dom.production.min.js:238 69 @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1 s @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1 r @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1 (anonymous) @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1 (anonymous) @ plugin-2.6.1.js:1