1. Open the application using the URL :
2. Click on Log in button at top right corner at the home/landing page
3. Keep all the fields blank
4. Click Log in button
5. Click Log in button for the second time
Expected Result :
Every time error message will be displayed at the top and no text overlaps each
Actual Result :
"Log in With Facebook" button overlaps the text "Or login with your email below"
Version :
Tests Version.
Additional information :
Observation 1 : This bug happens in other cases like if we enter some value in
some fields and get error message, then again enter some value and gets error
message again, we see the FB button overlaps the text.
Attachment : Screenshot is attached here.
Original issue reported on by on 27 Jul 2014 at 10:13
Original issue reported on by
on 27 Jul 2014 at 10:13Attachments: