First of all, I would like to say that you have created an amazing plugin!
I have encountered an issue with it though.
I have set up persistence with recording to rdb file. But when I create an interval set using the following command:
iset.add genes gene1 0 10 gene2 11 20 gene3 21 30
and then ask it to save database to persistence file, redis fails to do it.
Because I have
stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes
in the configuration file, redis crashes with error 11. Full configuration is available here redis.conf
I tested it with this option turned off and it still fails.
without creating any records with interval set (I tried simple key-value pairs using SET and tried sorted set using ZADD command), it saves perfectly fine, so, it should not be the issue with redis itself.
I need persistence as I need to shut down and restart redis server and I need to make sure that the persistence store is correctly recorded.
First of all, I would like to say that you have created an amazing plugin!
I have encountered an issue with it though.
I have set up persistence with recording to rdb file. But when I create an interval set using the following command:
iset.add genes gene1 0 10 gene2 11 20 gene3 21 30
and then ask it to save database to persistence file, redis fails to do it.
Because I have stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes in the configuration file, redis crashes with error 11. Full configuration is available here redis.conf I tested it with this option turned off and it still fails.
Full redis bug report is available here: bug_report.txt
without creating any records with interval set (I tried simple key-value pairs using SET and tried sorted set using ZADD command), it saves perfectly fine, so, it should not be the issue with redis itself.
I need persistence as I need to shut down and restart redis server and I need to make sure that the persistence store is correctly recorded.
What do you think can be an issue?