danjgale / surfplot

A package for publication-ready brain surface figures
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Plot build fails #11

Closed fhopp closed 2 years ago

fhopp commented 2 years ago

Hi Dan,

thanks for putting together surfplot! Quick question, I am using jupyter lab w/ python 3.7.

I am trying to run your first example:

from neuromaps.datasets import fetch_fslr

surfaces = fetch_fslr()
lh, rh = surfaces['inflated']

from surfplot import Plot

p = Plot(surf_lh=lh, surf_rh=rh)
fig = p.build()
# show figure, as you typically would with matplotlib

But my Kernel just stalls and the cell number becomes empty. I have installed surfplot following the instructions and also installed neuromaps + connectome workbench:

Version: 1.5.0
Commit Date: 2021-02-16 13:46:47 -0600
Operating System: Linux

Information options:
   -help                       show this help info
   -arguments-help             explain the format of subcommand help info
   -global-options             display options that can be added to any command
   -parallel-help              details on how wb_command uses parallelization
   -cifti-help                 explain the cifti file format and related terms
   -gifti-help                 explain the gifti file format (metric, surface)
   -volume-help                explain volume files, including label volumes
   -version                    show extended version information
   -list-commands              list all processing subcommands
   -list-deprecated-commands   list deprecated subcommands
   -all-commands-help          show all processing subcommands and their help
                                  info - VERY LONG

To get the help information of a processing subcommand, run it without any
   additional arguments.

If the first argument is not recognized, all processing commands that start
   with the argument are displayed.

Any idea what might be causing this/how I can debug? Thanks much! F

danjgale commented 2 years ago

Hi @fhopp, thanks for sharing! My suspicion is that this is a jupyter issue, and you could try updating jupyter/jupyterlab if it's not up to date. Did anything appear in the jupyter log/outputs in the terminal? I'm guessing that would give some insight.

I unfortunately can't replicate your problem (albeit I tested with Python 3.8), but I can keep trying